Canadian Paediatric Society - Healthy childhood development through outdoor risky play: Navigating the balance with injury prevention
Canadian Paediatric Society - Children's Outdoor Play Position Statement
The Canadian Public Health Association - Children's Unstructured Play Position Statement
Dr. Mariana Brussoni - Why children need risk, fear, and excitement in play
Dr. Mariana Brussoni - 3 Key Ingredients for Supporting Children's Outdoor Play
Outdoor Play Canada
The Conversation - Can parents give their children too much attention?
The Ravive - Can a Child's Adventurous Play Keep Anxiety at Bay?
The Genius of Play - The decline of unstructured play
Let Grow - How to Handle a Jerk (Kid Version)
Let Grow - A Boy Fell. An Adult Hurried Over. Too Bad.
University of Wisconsin - Why & How to Encourage Adventurous Play
Parachute - Risky Play Myths vs Facts